Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Jaden Soul PART-1

Hey guys, this is a fantasy story of my won make so be sure to check it out.

I was walking down the alley in the chilly December weather with the wind whistling past my ears. Except the occasional honking of the vehicles there was no one at sight. I checked my watch for the time and saw that it was already 7:30 PM and this made me realize that i had to get back home by 8:15 PM or I was surely grounded.
I quickened my pace to reach home in time. As I got out of the alley and walked down the foot path, I saw a little girl in an near-by alley. I hurried towards her and asked her in the sweetest tone possible, " Hey there, you okay?" But all I got was a stare full of fear and sadness. I immediately took off my jacket and put it around her shoulder and told her to calm down. I asked her again, " It's going to be okay now, I'm here. You can tell me what's happened?" I held her firmly by her hand in case she should get lost and walked with her to a near-by cafeteria to make her feel safe, secure and warm. After a while she opened up little by little.
She said, " I was walking down the alley when suddenly I felt something grasp my arm. I turned to see that it was rather like a demonic creature. I screamed out but no voice came out of my mouth.I twisted violently and broke it's grip and I rushed to one corner of the alley and cried helplessly. The demonic creature was trying to get a grip on me again but this time something was restraining it from coming near me. That's when you saw me and came to my a...." At that instant, the whole cafeteria lost power and plunged us into a pitch black darkness. The temperature of the cafeteria suddenly dropped down. Suddenly, all the people present in the cafeteria fell down unconscious. And with that a wolf like creature suddenly materialized before us. I saw it's eyes........as red as hell's fire itself as it lunged at me!!! "No Zora.... You wouldn't like to kill our friends, will you? That is when i noticed a person standing behind the wolfish creature. His voice sounded like cold frost. That's when he introduced himself, "I'm Destanix.....i'm also known as a Death soul." With that two vicious looking swords emerged out of his hands.     

Friday 24 January 2014

Natsu vs grey ep. 2

Erza waz quite angry, she was annoyed beyond limit to see these two mages take on each other for the 1000th time. She was really pissed off. Right then she was standing in between them when suddenly she heard a child cry. She turned; Alarmed! But she let her guard down the process.
She noticed a sudden movement in the corner of her eye. She lifted her sword to defend herself. Too late. BANG! THUD! Erza was lying on the ground. Pain written across every inch of her face.
Mirajane was standing atop her, her shoe heel was pressed down on her bosom. She sneered,'I can't let you interrupt their face-off. After all they have their dignity at stake. They have placed a bet that whoever loses will have to kiss the other's feet and admit that the person who won is his master.' It fell like a bomb on erza to realize what was at stake.
She stood up, determined," Then, we have to stop them! Too much is at stake here.'

Manga anime wallpapers

Some manga and anime wallpapers to enjoy...................

Thursday 23 January 2014


There was a commotion outside the Fairy tail new castle......
Erza was just returning after completing her job which involved killing a sand golem and as she neared the fairy castle, all she could she was a fierce battle between two elements, namely FIRE and ICE
She didn't take a moment to understand what was going on. It was the same old rivalry battle between Natsu and Grey.... Natsu usin his Fire Dragonslayer Magic while Grey used his Ice-make magic......'Come on you droopy eyed shithead', Natsu flared. But it didn't take long for Grey to answer back. He too screamed out, 'Show me what you got, you pink headed freak'. But as they were about to clash again, suddenly there was some movement in the corner of their eye.... and guess what erza in her black winged armor had jumped in between the two fiery warriors to stop  them from creating any further ruckus............

Shi-woon VS Sunsengnim

How many of u agree that Shi woon should fight his master in BREAKER: NEW WAVES to make him understand that the fighting between him the Murim should Stop?
IF u do/ don't argee please leave a comment for sure...........(Based on MANGA)

Manga, anime and myself

Hey guyz, it's my first time creating a blog so forgive any errors on my part...... ND OF COURSE FEEL FREE TO DISCUSS ANYTHING WITH ME..............